This is a section dedicated to some hilarious anime that I absolutely loved. Since I can't make a mini-shrine for an anime, I just made this section. If you haven't seen these, go see 'em now!


To be honest, the only reason I saw this anime was because the back of the video box was covered with demented chibis. Seriously though, this is one of the most demented, strange, odd, tears-streaming-down-your-face hilarious things I've ever seen. The basic plot concerns a young girl by the name of Mink (the one with the red hair in the pic), whos parents happen to be a dragon and a knight, making her half-dragon, half-human (hence the title.) Mink's quest is to get tickets to a rock concert starring the local hearthrob Dick Saucer.

One problem: Dick is bent on killing her. He doubles as a knight in shining armor, and part of that job involves slaying dragons. Mink also has to deal with a snobby princess rival who has a deep, dark secret (^^), and various other enemies along the way.
    Mere words can't describe the true insanity of this.You get a truckload of demented, extremely cute chibis, a little mouse critter that turns into a giant monster with fangs, a dimbulb knight who speaks in third person all the time and just won't die, a tragic love story that has to be seen to be believed, a dragon beating a knight over the head with a rolling pin, a pinch of laxative, a twit of a king, a heroine who can breathe fire, a theme song where the words are something along the lines of "Pappara funi funi, pappara hoi hoi, pappara funi funi EGGS!" and (best of all, in my opinion) a love interest who spends half of his time on TV, singing "SAaaaUUuuuCEEEeeeeRRRRR!!!!"


Dragon Half
A niftydifty site dedicated to Dragon Half.

Dragon Half Music
You can find all kinds of music from Dragon Half here, including the Pappara Funi Funi song!


I've only seen one episode of this, and I love it already. Think of it as a sort of Pinky-and-the-Brain type show, but focusing on one of the devoted henchmen instead, or in this case, henchwoman (Excel of the title). The one eppy I saw had Excel and her buddy trying to sneak a bomb into the middle of a town without anyone noticing. But since carrying a bomb around is a bit conspicuous, they go for a different tactic and make it into a gigantic robot panda (It's so cute that nobody will try to stop us!). Of course, anyone who tries to ogle the panda gets unceremoniously flung out of the way by the panda's lobster claws ^^;;. The episode concluded with two androids trying to defuse the bomb, but since one of had this thing for cutting the wrong wire (a fault that caused her to get blown up once before), there's a giant flash of white light, and the next thing you see is their heads rolling across the deserted street. They get put back together though, so all's well that ends well.

    This show's got it all. Two androids with the same name, Rappumatsu (I think that's how you spell it...), one of them's a sultry, purple-haired adult android who has a problem with wires and bombs, while the other is the little kitty person in that picture. It's also got a guy with a seriously funky hairdo and a rotating mustache, hilarious villains, a guy with a permanent frown who speaks (?) in Japanese text only, an evil mastermind who plays Dominos, a funky theme song, and an ending theme which is sung by a dog, who is almost certainly going to be eaten sometime in the future. There's even a karaoke version of the song where you bark along with him ^^.

Best of all, word has it that Excel Saga is going to be released in English by AD Vision!!


A great site for everything Excel saga. I love this place!