This bit is for some of your favorite scenes in DBZ, or just moving scenes that stick in your head. they don't necessarily have to involve Gohan or Piccolo, but it'd be kinda nice if they did, considering the theme of the page and all. As usual, submit any bright ideas you have to kitsune_66@hotmail.com. Anyway, here be some of mine. By the way, despite what the first one says, they aren't in any particular order.
My #1 moment is definately The first time Gohan went ssj2. That was so dramatic and emotional, I felt so bad for him when all the other guys were getting beaten up, and then I was literally jumping around cheering for him when he started beating up Cell and the Cell Juniors. I can't possibly describe what emotions were going through my head when that scene happened, but I can tell you, it was damn good to finally see Gohan beat up Cell like I never could.
Okay, I won't say I actually liked seeing htis happen, but when Gohan died in the Trunks special, it actually had everybody in the room crying. We were all screaming "No, Gohan! Don't do it! YOu can't fight with one arm, baka! NOOO!!" It was so sad, we were all bawling our eyes out along with poor Trunks...
I wouldn't be a good webmaster if I didn't include this, now would I? Piccolo's first death. The first time I actually saw it, I ended up crying. And just for a note, the manga version is every bit as dramatic as the animated version, so go out and read it now!
Gohan's dream sequences! Tenkaichi Gohan (the world's greatest Gohan) and Piccolo-san Daisuki! (I love Mr. Piccolo!)
Piccolo's fight with Juunanagou. Watching two of my favorite characters have an awesome fistfight like that was mind-blowing, and it really gave you a good sense of how...er...acrobatic Piccolo could be. I just wish the english dub didn't have so much damn grunting!
When Vegeta first really began interacting with Bulma. Who can forget the infamous "BADMAN" shirt? When you think about it, Bulma is really the only woman on earth bossy enough to control Vegeta even a little bit. I still felt so bad for Yamcha though...
That part where Trunks was seeing for himself if Goku was really Goku. You know, where he took all those dozens of swipes at Goku with his sword, who blocked every single last one of them with his finger? Forget huge kamehameha fights and going super-saiyajin, that, for me at least, was one of the best demonstrations of Son Goku's power.
I know I have made it quite clear that I don't like GT very much, but I can still like bits of it, can't I? I do like a few bits, such as where Pan sticks the keys to the ship down her shirt, much to Trunks' dismay, the infamous disco scene, and the bit where Trunks dresses up in drag...
Juunanagou getting absorbed by Cell. This had me so agitated that I was screaming "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!! TURN AROUND!! RUN, BAKA, RUN!!" at the television set. People could even hear me from outside, even though I was in the basement....^^;;;
Piccolo and Gotenks in the Buu saga. Piccolo loosened up so much and did so many great facial expressions during Gotenks' fight with Buu. Toriyama-sama must've had so much fun drawing the manga. I mean, Piccolo playing volleyball with Gotenks and going "OOOOKAAAAAAY~!!!" and of course, mourning over his poor, beloved temple...^^
The whole end of DBZ. Pan-chan, grown-up Goten and Trunks, kawaii little Ubuu, Goku's Yo Mama jokes, everything!
That bit where Tien, Yamcha, Chaozu and Piccolo were training in Hell! I mean, Tien chasing after Bubbles with a massive sledgehammer? You've gotta love that!
Piccolo and Goku driving. Enough said.
There's this one scene in the Buu saga where Gohan tries to cover up his friends oddities for Videl, so she won't think he's weird. Piccolo's acting really edgy because of Kaioshin, and Videl asks Gohan what's wrong with him. Not wanting to tell her about Kaioshin's massive Ki, Gohan makes up this lame excuse about how Piccolo gets paranoid sometimes under pressure. The camera zooms over to Piccolo, whose ear twitches a bit to show he heard him, and he sweatdrops a bit.