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Welp, here you are folks, the most utterly useless (and probably some boring) part of this website. You've been warned.

Name: Kitsune. A horribly unoriginal name, and yes, I think I will change it sometime. But I like the way it sounds!

Age: Fifteen!

Location: East coast of Canada. I won't tell you anymore. *looks around suspiciously* there are stalkers everywhere....

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, playing pennywhistle, anime, manga, video games, computer, lazing around and watching TV.

Physically Active stuff: Well... I've taken a few Tae Box classes, which is basically Taebo minus the Billy Blanks videotape, so I'm okay at that... and I took two kendo classes... I actually really liked kendo, it's more than just flinging a big stick around. It's hard, dagnabit! I would've liked to continue, but the rates were too expensive >_< Why did I write this section anyway?! I'm horrible at physical activity!

Personality: Well.... I'll put it this way: I'm quiet, but veeeeeeery weird. Once people get to know me, they literally start introducing me to people by saying "Oh yeah, this is Kitsune, she's the insane one." Otherwise, I'm one of those kids in class who is so quiet that you hardly notice they're there. Once I get to know somebody though, the weirdness starts coming out.
    I'm also a compulsive drawer. Is there some kind of a word for that? Artistmania? Er...nevermind. As I was saying, if I'm bored and I don't have a pencil or paper handy, things could get ugly. I regularly carry a pencil and notepad wherever I go. This tends to annoy some people, but I don't care. It sure comes in handy when you're stuck in photoshop class for an hour with nothing to do because you finished your art project ^^.  Anyway, I've also got a crazed sense of humor that tends to lean towards flying cows, squirrels and monty python. I tend to strike most people as immature, mostly because I'm really excitable, I hate putting on makeup (it took four people to hold me down so one of my friends could put eyeshadow on me), I'm a little naive on occasion, I tend to amuse somewhat easily and am into all kinds of cartoon shows. But hey, like it says in the song, "If you're young at heart..." Besides, I like being immature. So sue me. It's more fun than tottering around in these bloody great high heels, wearing a miniskirt that you can see your @$$ through, and spending all your time locked in the bathroom adjusting your mascera, that's for sure. I'm a nerd, and damn proud of it.

Obsessions: Anime and manga, for one. I first got into anime a few years ago, when I discovered Ranma 1/2 sitting in my library. I was a bit horrified by the shower scene (hey, I was young, impressionable, and it was my first time seeing two people stark nekkid in a comic, gimme some credit!), but I took it home anyway and fell in love with it. After that, my best friend got me obsessed with DBZ by showing me a few tapes from the Freeza saga. I had a vague knowlege of what DBZ was, I had watched a few eppys of the original Dragonball and my brother had an Ani-Mayhem deck of DBZ cards, but those episodes got me obsessed. Nowadays, I'm obsessed with Manga too, and regularly blow my money on monthly issues of Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Animerica Extra, No Need for Tenchi, and the occasional Oh My Goddess! or Animerica mag. Those aren't the only anime things I like though. I also love Princess Mononoke (Great movie! If you haven't seen it, then go see it right now, you silly person!), Slayers, Fushigi Yuugi, and most recently Rurouni Kenshin.
    My aforementioned introduction to Dragonball Z also jump-started my obsession with Piccolo and Gohan. To be honest, I was very unimpressed with Piccolo at the beginning, with him being named after this dinky little flute and all. I liked Gohan the best, then my piccolo obsession sprung ahead by leaps and bounds once I got to know more about him. Nowadays, I still like Piccolo better, but Gohan's right behind him.
    Okay, I've covered Anime, piccolo, gohan...hmm....what next? Oh yeah! Earthworm Jim!!! I've always loved EWJ 1 and 2, I played them to death on the snes, and now I own a copy of EWJ1: special edition for the PC and EWJ2 for the SNES. I'm not too thrilled with the N64 and Game Boy versions, the first two still rule. I love the cartoon show that htey had on, and even own one of the tapes. I'm desperate to get my paws on the other three, but I think my one is the only copy in town... I also love shows that are similar to EWJ, like Freakazoid and The Tick. I love how you don't have to be little to enjoy it, the jokes are just as funny for big kids as they are for little kids. And how can you not like the manic humor that's going on? Also, those shows have some of the best quotes I've ever heard in them, I might even make up a little section for them...who knows?
    Oh yeah, and I love Monty Python and Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. Go Rincewind!!!

Talents (or lack therof): ...ummm....Talents? Well, I can draw...and crack people up, singing voice isn't bad, and I can play a mean pennywhistle. Oh yeah, and I can do the Girly-Squeak, which is an incredibly high-pitched squeaky sound that goes "eheh-EEP!" *evil grins* my friends hate it when I do that. It hurts their ears. And I can LOOM. Well, Okay, not in the kind of way Piccolo-san Looms over people, but since I'm taller than most of my friends, I can stand on my tiptoes, glare down at them, and say "LOOOOOOM..." in this really menacing voice. It rarely works tho. They don't cringe like people do when Piccolo does it. Instead they just roll their eyes and walk away. *tragic sigh*