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One of the most popular sections on the page, this bit is all about Gohan and Piccolo's friendship. Warning: Might be a little kawaii-overkill.


I have to warn you, the word kawaii is going to come up a lot in this. their friendship is so KAWAII!!!!! I love it!!! It's so sweet!! Its one of the reasons that they're my favorite characters, they're such good friends and each would pretty much die to save the other. Wait, one of them did die to save the other... um.. nevermind... Also, I love how Gohan makes Piccolo dump his tough guy act and act all nice and happy! That's one of the reasons I like P-sama, I love it when he acts out of character, and he does that most when he's around GOHAN!!! And they're the only ones who really understand each other, they're almost like father and son at times! Heck, at one point during the Cell saga, Piccolo practically gives Goku a lecture on good fathering!  And Gohan's always trying to defend Piccolo from bad guys even though he barely comes up to his knees, and that's so darn  KAWAII!!! And he admires P-sama so much that he wears similar outfits and stuff!!!  Heck, they've even got a super twighlight-zone-ish "psychic link" going for them! How many friends do you know that have a psychic link?

Thus ends my babbling... *bows*


    As you probably already know, Piccolo San Daisuki is a song Gohan sings in Movie #2 during a dream sequence. As you also probably know, Piccolo-san Daisuki translates to... *ehem*... "I love Mr. Piccolo." This is one of the cutest (if slightly frightening) things I've ever seen in DBZ, and it really shows how much Gohan admires Piccolo. Heck, it's practically worth buying the movie just to see chibi Piccolo LOOMING on the cliff and tramping around (scowling, as usual ^_^), chibi Gohan trailing behind, looking as if he's walking to marching band music (and no, Pioneer did NOT pay me to say that...)!

In a little while, I'll get the full sequence uploaded so you can all see it!


I'm putting my old DBZ manga to use for once. The title says it all.

Gohan: "But Daddy used to say... You're not as bad of a bad guy as you used to be, before you died and came back."
Piccolo: "Hmph..."
Gohan: "I think he's right... But mommy and Grandpa were sure scared of you..."
Piccolo: "..."
~Gohan and Piccolo just talkin' after a hard day of training. Okay, so after that Piccolo tells Gohan to shut up and go to sleep, but anyway...

"...Little brat...!"
~Piccolo, after Gohan goes to sleep. Once again, he's in denial!

~Piccolo, when Nappa starts charging towards the little guy

~Piccolo, after he gets blasted by Nappa. *sniffle*.... Give the guy a hug!!!!

"...Why did you save me...?"
~Gohan, to Piccolo, after he is blasted by Nappa.*sniffle...*  Screw it, Give them both a hug!!!

"Don't die, Piccolo! Daddy will come soon! P-please... Don't die!!"
~*sniffle*....sorry gohan...

"Oh, the shame... Piccolo the great... the incorruptible evil... saving a child... How pathetic... heh...heh heh... It's... It's because of you...and your dad...y-your softness...infecting me... know, were the only one...who ever...ever really talked to me... the couple of months... I spent with you...weren't bad... Gohan...don't...die..."
~F-famous last words...*sniffles a bit more, then bursts out crying...*


Ever since Piccolo saved Gohan's life in the Vegeta saga (*sniffle*), the two seem to have made up a habit of constantly saving each other's butts. Piccolo appears out of nowhere and saves Gohan at least once in every single movie for crying out loud!! And that's not even counting how many times he's saved Gohan in the anime. Of course, Gohan's done his share of saving Piccolo too, just not as many times as Piccolo's saved him. But Gohan more than makes up for it by getting pissed whenever Piccolo gets hurt by a bad guy. And we all know what happens when Gohan gets pissed off...


1. Return My Gohan, AKA Dead zone.

Okay, since this one took place before DBZ started and Piccolo didn't exactly know Gohan, he didn't really save him much in this one. But he turned up to fight Garlic Jr., and that counts for something, doesn't it? Because Garlic Jr. kidnapped Gohan and all that. And Gohan sort of saved everybody at the end by getting pissed, but hey, he saved Piccolo and he didn't even know him!

2. AKA the World's Strongest

Hooboy, Piccolo saves Gohan A LOT in this one! First there's the part at the beginning where he saves Gohan from Dr. Wheelo's henchmen (who look suspiciously like saibamen in scuba gear). After that he sort of gets possesed and beats Gohan up, but he didn't mean to.I mean, he was possessed! C'mon, give the guy a break! Then Gohan breaks the spell that was on Piccolo, so he gets his free will back. Then Piccolo catches Gohan when he gets knocked out by Wheelo's arm and puts him down next to Kuririn and Bulma where he won't get hurt. I guess he was feeling pretty guilty about the whole beating-up-gohan-while-possesed incedent, so after the fight, he gives Gohan all the credit! Aaaw!!! ^_^

Movie #3. Tree of Might

Um... I haven't seen this one, but I know there's one really kinda sweet scene where Piccolo tries to rescue Gohan from Turles, but gets the crap beaten out of him... Okay, here's the setting: Turles is holding Gohan up by the collar. Piccolo comes in out of nowhere, says "give me the boy!", Gohan looks shocked, Turles says "What if I don't?" in a really attitudy way, Piccolo says "Then you DIE!", and charges towards Turles, ready to kick the crap out of him. Turles shrugs and flings Gohan at Piccolo top speed. O_O. Piccolo catches gohan, who responds by saying "Nice catch, sir!" Then Turles fires a ki blast and fries 'em. The best part about this was that Piccolo was practically hugging Gohan the whole time!

4. Son Goku is the Super Saiyajin

This movie was so darn sweet!! Everybody in hte room who was watching the thing had to have said aaaw at least five times during the thing! Anyway, first Piccolo jumps in and saves Gohan from Slug's men who are chasing after him. Then he gets caught up in a fight with that yellow Dodoria lookalike, and doesn't quite notice that the short green dude with the bugged-out yellow eyes sicced these gross little frog/pig thingies after Gohan, who isn't exactly in any position to defend himself because he was pretty much half-dead. They drain all his energy, and then Piccolo, who has by now beaten the crud out of the dodoria lookalike, starts charging towards Gohan, screaming his name all hte way. Then this guy (?) who reminds me of Zarbon and has the unusual ability to stick his arms under the ground and have his hands come out several meters away grabs onto Piccolo's legs. Nonetheless, he keeps on running, err, trying to run, and eventually gains distance, dragging the Zarbon lookalike along with him. Then he jumps in front of Gohan (shades of his first death) and saves him from a big blast which ends up blasting his cape and turban to smithereens. After that, he keeps almost hugging Gohan, trying to keep him warm (its been pretty much arctic temperature throughout the whole movie) so he won't freeze to death!!! Then at the very end of the movie, Gohan whistles and helps beat Slug, therefore saving Piccolo.

Movie #5

Thanks a lot to Stephen, who contributed this and a new blurb or two about the Buu saga! Okay, in this one, Gohan's running from Koola's squadron (basically his version of the Ginyu force, trying to get a senzu to Goku, who is in dire need of one. Unfortunately, he's caught by a big musclebound green guy named Doole who immediatly begins crushing gohan's skull when he won't give up the senzu. Just when he's about to croak, a blast comes out of nowhere (gee, I wonder who that could be!) hitting Doole in the back and freeing Gohan. It's Piccolo, natch. He tells Gohan to get that senzu to Goku, then starts beating the crap out of Doole and friends. Later on, after they've beaten Koola, everybody's contemplating about the whole incident, when all of a sudden, Sauza, the only member of the squadron left alive, pops out of nowhere and prepares to kill 'em. Then Piccolo fries him with a makonkosoppo out of nowhere!


Movie Okay, since I don't know what happens in the rest of them, I'l just stop here. I do know that in, well, I think its movie #13, Adult Gohan is saved from a lava pit by a person in a cape and turban who he thinks is Piccolo at first, but then turns out to be Krillin....


 People always think that Piccolo's death in the Saiyajin saga was the first time he saved Gohan, but they're
wrong! WRONG, I tell you!!
          Okay, when they were fighting the Saibamen, one of those nasty little buggers started heading right for Gohan, but Piccolo grabs the thing by the arm, flings it in the air and fries it to a crisp with a laser loogie. Of course, he denied it was to save Gohan, but we all know why he did it, now don't we? ^_^
          And then..*tragic sigh* there was the big one. You know how it happened, Nappa fired that thingy at Gohan, Piccolo ran forwards in slo-motion, hopped in front and got fried. He did his little speech *sniffle*, then bit the dust. After that, Gohan got reeeeeeeeeeealy PO'd and tried to kill Nappa, but the blast he fired only ended up making Big Ugly's fist sting...
          Well, Piccolo was kinda dead until they were fighting Freeza and he got wished back, and even then he was flying towards the fight, thinking of only one thing, guess what that was? Save Gohan!! I don't remember much of the Freeza fight, but I do know that Piccolo saved Gohan a couple of times in there somewhere. Then there was the bit where Piccolo took a hit for Goku and ended up down for the count, and Gohan took him back to the spaceship ^_^. That bit was so cute!...I mean when Piccolo woke up, not when he took the hit!
          Okay, now onto the Cell/Android Saga. For once, Gohan saves Piccolo! Who'da thunk it? Piccolo's getting his energy drained by android #20 and sends an SOS message to gohan via their psychic link. Just when he's about to lose all his energy, Gohan shows up, whacks #20 and saves Piccolo. Piccolo was a wee bit surprised that he was the one being saved for once... Then of course, during the big fight with Cell, after Piccolo spazzes at Goku and gives him a big lecture on fathering, he makes a very valiant attempt at helping Gohan fight Cell in the big Kamehameha fight they end up in. *sniffle* His attitude was pretty much along the lines of "If Gohan's gonna die, I'm going with him!!" He makes one last attempt at distracting Cell, but it doesn't work....V_V
          I'm not exactly an expert on the when they save each other in the Buu saga, I do know that Gohan supposedly dies at one point which makes Piccolo very depressed, and Piccolo gets absorbed by Buu. Meh. More to come later.
           *New!* Booyah! These two bits of information came from Stephen as well! Thanks!! Okies, in the 24th tenkaichi boudokai, Gohan enters as the Great Saiya-man so his classmates won't realize who he really is. Piccolo notices, and blows up EVERY SINGLE camera in the audience to help him out! Then, in hte big fight with Buu, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks are about to fight Buu, although they know that they're gonna die and their chances of winning are second to none. Then Gohan, who was believed to be dead, comes up out of nowhere to save them and kick Buu's @$$!!


You know the saying. Little kids often use it as an excuse to follow people around, repeating everything the victim says. Believe me on that one, I know from experience. ANYWAY, this little bit concentrates on how Gohan constantly imitates Piccolo.

Mostly Gohan imitates Piccolo out of respect. Hey, we all try to emulate our role models a little bit, right? The way Gohan does it is by wearing similar clothing. For a good part of the Saiyajin saga, Namek saga, most of the anime-only Garlic Jr saga, and even a little bit of the Cell saga, Gohan wears an outfit quite similar to Piccolo's. It's a lot like his gi, but minus the cape, turban and slightly plunging neckline. Instead of those, he's got a little ruffly collar thing. For most of his childhood, that's his standard fighting outfit. That in itself says something, ne? That he would wear that outfit so much is a pretty good indicator of how much he respects Piccolo. I mean, think about it. Say you really admired your math teacher. Salt of the earth, in your opinion. He dresses in a suit every day. Would you be able to stand walking around wearing a suit for a couple of years, just out of respect for him? It would take some pretty heavy-duty respect to be able to do that. But that's not even the tip of the iceberg. In the Cell saga, Gohan goes full-out and asks Piccolo for an outfit just like his, because Piccolo was the first one who trained him. Heck, for the rest of the series, whenever Gohan fights, he wears an outfit that somewhat resembles Piccolo's. If you don't believe me, just look at some pictures, and compare them to Piccolo's outfit. And I'm not counting the Great Saiya-man outfit ^^;;;;;

One lingering question is: How does Piccolo feel about all this? Does he mind Gohan trailing around after him, looking like a Mini-me version of him? If it were me, and I had some little kid running around wearing clothes like mine, I don't really know what I'd feel like. Slightly horrified, I suppose. Anyway, I think the answer is that Piccolo probably thought it was kinda freaky at first, but then he got used to it. When he zapped up that outfit for Gohan the first time he went Oozaru, the one that looked almost exactly like Goku's, I think part of the reason why he chose an outfit like that was for Gohan's sake. Piccolo probably knew that Gohan really didn't like him very much at that point, for that matter, the feeling was mutual. Piccolo didn't like Gohan either. But hey, you can't have kids running around stark naked in the woods all day, so he had to zap him up something. Getting back to my point, I think one reason he chose an outfit like that was so Gohan could maybe feel a little more confident and at home in the woods. Think about it. If you were dropped out in the middle of the woods for no apparent reason, which would you rather wear: An outfit like the big, scary, evil, green guy who'd dropped you out there in the first place, or an outfit like your daddy, who you loved and thought was the salt of the earth? Oh yeah, and regarding the Ma (evil) symbol on the back of the outfit, that's just like Piccolo's signature. Hey, give credit where credit's due, ne? ^^
Overall, I figure Piccolo was probably uneasy about Gohan wearing an outfit like his at first, cuz he was still in denial over wether he was getting to like him or not. But once he finally "sees the light", I don't think he minds it too much ^^.


This is a nice little term that Krillin coined for whenever somebody leaps out of nowhere and saves Gohan's butt. He first made up the term during the big fight with Cell VS SSJ2 Gohan, after Piccolo zooms out to valiantly try and help out. Yamcha hesitates for a minute, then decides to be valiant too, and zooms out along with Piccolo, prompting Krillin to go "Don't tell me you're doing a Piccolo too!!!"

The preferred method of "Doing a Piccolo" is to have Gohan standing there with a giant blast coming towards him. The person who is going to save him has to leap valiantly in front of Gohan, arms spread out (this part is actually optional. Your arms don't really have to be spread out, it just helps with the dramatic effect), therefore allowing the blast to hit them full on. In general, though, it can refer to just attempting to save Gohan in any way, shape or form.

It's actually a little ironic that Krillin was the one who thought up the term, considering he's done his fair share of Piccolo's, that sounded really, really bad... just ignore that, you know what I mean, right? ANYWAY, my point is that Krillin has saved Gohan a lot too. He's done the whole leap-in-front-and-have-the-blast-hit-you shtick, he's beat up guys who try to kill Gohan, and in general, has fought alongside him for quite some time. But hey, this page is about Gohan and Piccolo, not Gohan and Krillin, so I'll cut this off now.

*New!* Piccolo VS Naslow's Needs Theory!


This came to me as I was studying like mad for my upcoming history exam. If Piccolo hadn't met Gohan, he would've died. Chibi Gohan saved Piccolo's life. You're probably thinking "What?! Little, wimpy, chibi Gohan who was scared of his own shadow? Saving PICCOLO?! How?!"


This is where Naslow's Needs Theory comes in. This guy named Naslow came up with a theory that basically said that in order for something to live and prosper, it has to have these five things going for it:

When all is accounted for, up until the Saiyajin saga, Piccolo had two or three of these five things: he was physically fit, and he was relatively safe in that he could beat the stuffing out of anything that tried to hurt him. I don't really know about his self-esteem, but let's just say it was sufficient. After all, he didn't seem to have any doubts about his power at that Tenkaichi Boudokai in Dragonball, ne?

The two things he was sorely lacking in was love and self-actualization, which basically means doing things for other people just for the sake of doing them. Piccolo didn't have anybody around to care for him as a kid, and people tended to run away screaming when he came in contact with them. As a result of this, he wasn't about to head out to the local Unicef and start donating all his loose change, assuming he had any.

 No man is an island. As my old English teacher once said, if somebody actually existed who had never known love, he (or she) would be one sad excuse for a human being. (Or Namek, as the case may be)

This is where Gohan comes in ^_^. We all know what Gohan ends up doing for Piccolo, so I don't really need to go into that. But once Gohan was in the picture, Piccolo had all of Naslow's needs fulfilled. Okay, so he didn't head out to Unicef and give them spare change as a result of Gohan's influence, but he did get nicer and start saving other people in fights, didn't he? In a nutshell, if Gohan had never come along, then Piccolo probably would have just kept on spiraling inwards until he finally died of depression in the middle of the woods sometime after the Raditz fight. His life would've sucked, and he would've died without anybody really giving a rat's ass worth, with the possible exception of Goku, but he likes everybody to some extent, so he doesn't really count.